Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fluid Tea Fluid Movements

The Way of tea is performed with fluid movements to allow your body to flow like tea. The body is like the tea pot of a tea master. But the spirit of awareness is the tea. The body needs to learn how to allow fluid movements of chi to unfold in all its movements like the grace of a of morning sunrise where all of nature is orchestrated to bring you to that moment of the sun rising. This is how tea should be poured.

This Way of Tea I also I am calling The Way of Dew. Morning dew penetrates everything in the natural world. It arises between the cracks of morning and night. This is the way of tea. You want to gently penetrate the consciousiness of people in this same manner, like the sun rises. The Way of Dew evaporates in the morning sun. This is how you should approach tea: be willing to evaporate ego in the heart of silence as you serve to each guest.

This is the Way of Dew. This can be shown without words but through the Divine Performance of Tea Ceremony.

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